We hope that you enjoy learning about the Patron Saint of Wales- Saint David and why the Welsh celebrate this special day every 1st of March.
This blog wil show the activities that english teachers in our school will carry out with our children....We wil hope that you enjoy it!!!!
lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016
Saint David of Wales.Legend of Wales.
We hope that you enjoy learning about the Patron Saint of Wales- Saint David and why the Welsh celebrate this special day every 1st of March.
Saint David´s Day
People in Wales (United Kingdom) and those Welsh origin celebrate the life of their patron saint, Saint David, and the Welsh culture on March 1st each year.
Who was Saint David? (500- 589) He was a Welsh bishop of Menevia during the 6th century. He was later regarded as a saint. David was a native of Wales, and a relatively large amount of information is known about his life. However, his birth date is uncertain. He is tradicionally believed to be the son of Saint Non and the grandson of Ceredig ap Cunedda, king of Ceredigion.
His best known miracle is said to have taken place when he was preaching in the middle of a large crowd at the Synod of Brefi: the village of Brefi stands on the spot where the ground on which he stood is reputed to have risen up to form a small hill. A white dove (paloma), which become his emblem, was seen setting on his shoulder.
The Monastic Rule of David prescribed that monks had to pull the plough(arado) themselves without draught animals, must drink only water and eat only bread with salt and herbs, and spend the evening in prayer, reading and writing. No personal possessions were allowed. even to say " my book" was considered an offence.
He lived a simple life practising ascetism, teaching his followers to refrain from eating meat and drinking beer. His simbols, also the symbols of Wales are the leek (puerro) and the daffodil (narciso).
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The leek and the daffodild |
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016
We live in the Earth.
The 3th A grade students have made this puzzel of the Earth in Bilingual Plastic...They have learned that we live in the Earth where there are different countries and different languages are spoken...
Here we can see Dani trying to make up his puzzle game...
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And this is the final result... |
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It is made with different colours and patterns... |
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016
Valentine´s Day activities at school
·3th A and B grades have enjoyed making these drawings to give a Valentine to their family or some friends...Happy Valentine day!!
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All you need is love... |
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Huggs and kisses |
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Añadir leyenda |
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Valentine´s Day Symbols: cupid, a heart full of flowers, butterfly.... |
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It is a Valentine´s Day Card.. It´s very romantic... |
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016
Valentine´s Day song for children
Right now you can learn this easy and beatiful song "Heart Valentine".Listen to it...
The Valentine´s Day Cards
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A Scotish Valentine´s Day Card. |
The Valentine´s Day Cards eran ya populares en la Edad Media, cuando los enamorados se decían o cantaban sus Valentines.Las Valentines escritas comenzaron a aparecer después de 1400.La más antigua Valentine Card fue hecha en 1400 y está en el British Museum.Valentine Cards se intercambiaban en Europa y se regalaban en lugar de otros objetos.Sobre todo eran especialmente populares en Inglaterra. Excepto en Navidad, los Americanos intercambian más Valentine´s Day Cards que en ninguna otra época del año.
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Here you can see some of the Valentine´s Day cards which are exhibited in the British Museum |
sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016
Cupid es uno de los símbolos de Saint Valentine,Se le conoce como un niño alado y armado con arco y con flechas que son disparadas a dioses humanos, provocando que se enamoren profundamente. En ocasiones lleva también los ojos vendados, para indicar que el amor es ciego.
Para los romanos es el dios del Amor, hijo de Venus y de Marte, dios de la guerra
Saint Valentine´s Day
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016
Pancake Day activities
Once we have told to our students this famous holiday in England and American so that they can continue learning more things about english culture, they have made in Bilingual plastic this drawing of a typical housewoman carrying a frying pan with a flying pancake....We have wanted our student to cook a scotch pancake by means of this easy recipe....Enjoy your meal!!!
miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016
Scotch pancakes recipe(receta de tortitas escocesas)
Mientras que las tortitas inglesas son finas y se parecen a las crêpes francesas, las scotch pancakes son muy pequeñas, esponjosas y gruesas, ya que se elaboran con levadura como las tortitas americanas.Suelen tomarse en el desayuno (Breakfast) oen el afternoon tea. Las tortitas escocesas también se conocen como drop scones ( los scones son los típicos panecillos escoceses), ya que se elaboran dejando caer una porción de masa en una sartén ( to drop).
Para la masa
-Harina de repostería(250 grs)
-Levadura (1 cucharadita y media)
-Huevo (1)
-Aceite de girasol( 1 cucharada)
-Leche (300 ml)
-Azúcar glass (30 grs)
-mantequilla para freir
Para acompañar
En Escocia, suelen acompañarse de mantequilla y mermelada, azúcar y un chorrito de limón.Aunque también están riquísimas acompañadas de platanos, frutos rojos, miel, nata, canela, vainilla, helado...
martes, 9 de febrero de 2016
Pancake Day story and recipe
The Olney Pancake race
En UK, las carrera de pancakes (Pancakes races) constituyen una importante parte de las celebraciones de Shrove Tuesday, una oportunidad para que muchas personas, a menudo disfrazadas, corran por las calles.El objetivo de la carrera es conseguir llegar a la meta en primer lugar, llevando una sartén( frying pan) con una pancake y hacerla volar por los aires, cuando van corriendo. La más famosa carrera de pancakes tuvo lugar en Buckingham; según la tradición en 1445 una mujer de Olney, oyó el repicar de las campanas de la iglesia mientras ella estaba haciendo pancakes y corrió hasta la iglesia con su mandil( apron) y agarrando aún la sartén.La carrera de pancakes de Olney es hoy día famosa en el mundo entero.Los competidores deben de ser amas de casa de la localidad( local housewives) y deben llevar un delantal-(apron )y un pañuelo(scarf) en la cabeza. La primera mujer que llega a la iglesia le sirve su pancake al campanero(bellringer )el cual la besa y la proclama ganadora(the winner).
Pancake Day ( 9th Tuesday 2016)
Carnival Party: Our school looked like something out of a fairytale...
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This is the 3th and 4th grades insignia |
We went to the party disguised in pirate costumes.We looked so funny in these costumes!!!!
We were wearing bandanas or pirate´s hats, eye patchs, hooks in our hands, boots and coloured striped trousers or skirts...
Our girls looked very pretty dressed like this!!
And our boys looked like real pirates of the Caribbean!!!
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