viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

Poem: The Snowman

This morning has been our first day at school after Christmas...It was very cold and we have taken advantage of this situation to teach this little poem. Poems are a funny way to learn english and teach new vocabulary.We have learnt these words:

Snowman (muñeco de nieve)
Short(bajo, corto)
Fat (Gordo, grueso)
Scarf (bufanda)
Hat (sombrero)
I can play (puedo jugar); I cannot play (no puedo jugar)
Melt (derretir)
Round (redondo)
Mittens (manoplas)
Carrot (Zanahoria)
Tall (alto)
Cold (frío)
Wind (viento)
Blow (sopla)

Welcome a new Season: Winter!!!

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